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LGBTQ spirituality info and inspiration come every month with the Q Spirit Newsletter. Sign up now for a free subscription.

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The e-newsletter covers LGBTQ saints, history, holidays, books and more with an emphasis on visual art. Cutting-edge authors and theologians are introduced. The LGBTQ Saints series expands the meaning of holiness with a diverse group of contemporary and historical figures on appropriate dates throughout the year.

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Q Spirit Newsletter Aug 20188


Readers call it “inspiring”

Readers call it inspiring, empowering, courageous, “always informative” and “always fabulous.”

“Very well written, well researched and always wonder-filled.”
— Brother Mark D’Alessio

“Truly a light in the darkness for gay Christians.”
— Alison Amyx, editor

“I like to preach with the NY Times Book Review in one hand and Kitt’s newsletter in the other.”
— Jim Mitulski

Publisher Kittredge Cherry is passionately committed

Kiittredge Cherry at computerQ Spirit promotes artistic and religious freedom and teaches love for all people, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.

Publisher Kittredge Cherry is passionately committed to the Q Spirit Newsletter because it grew out of her own personal journey as a lesbian Christian author, historian and minister. More info


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Reach the right readers with an ad in the monthly Q Spirit Newsletter. It goes to a highly targeted audience interested in LGBTQ spiritual and religious books, art and history. Click here to buy ads or get info on advertising.

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Q Spirit Newsletter was named a 10-year Constant Contact All Star Award winner — because so many people read and respond to the newsletter. The award recognizes the most successful 10 percent of Constant Contact users.
All Star 10-Year Winner Out of 389,000 emailers, Q Spirit was one of only 1,270 who earned the "All Star 10-Year Winner" award.
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