Qspirit logo

About Q Spirit

Q Spirit promotes LGBTQ spirituality with saints, history, art and books. The website fosters religious and artistic freedom by teaching love for all people, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. It expands the meaning of holiness for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning (LGBTQ) people of faith and allies.

The Q Spirit project comes from lesbian Christian author Kittredge Cherry. She founded Jesusinlove.org in 2005 and launched Q Spirit in 2016. She is passionately committed to Q Spirit because it grew out of her own personal journey as an author, minister and historian.

The Q in Q Spirit can stand for queer, questioning one’s own sexuality or questioning spiritual and religious traditions with quality content. The website questions standard Bible interpretation and conventional history. It also aims to find lost information and lay the foundation for future interpretations, sort of like the Q Source for the gospels. “I bring a spirit of questioning authority and checking facts to my work,” Cherry said. “Q Spirit is a quest for spirituality beyond all boundaries.”

The logo for Q Spirit shows the universal Spirit expressed in a unique way through queer experience. The rainbow colors of the contemporary LGBTQ flag create a colorful “Q” with a long tail that cradles and uplifts the Spirit.  Basic black text conveys the fundamental, all-inclusive nature of the Spirit.

The logo is designed by Q Spirit founder Kittredge Cherry with queer Welsh artist Andrew Craig Murphy-Williams.

Land acknowledgement

Q Spirit is based in Los Angeles, California, the ancestral homeland and unceded territory of the Tongva/ Kizh/Gabrielino peoples. Q Spirit honor their elders and descendants — past, present, and emerging — as they continue to inhabit and care for these lands and waters. For the Los Angeles County land acknowledgement, developed in collaboration with leaders from local tribes, click here.

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