Advertise in the Q Spirit Newsletter
Reach the right readers with an ad in Q Spirit’s monthly e-newsletter. It goes to a highly targeted audience of more than 2,500 subscribers interested in LGBTQ spiritual and religious books, art, literature and history.
Buy recurring monthly ads
for $25 a month at Patreon.com/kittcherry Monthly subscription provides one ad per month.
Request an invoice
Contact Q Spirit to receive an invoice by email. The minimum purchase for invoicing is two ads ($50).
Format: Text ad with image and link
Image: 250 pixels in height or less. JPEG, PNG or GIF formats accepted.
Text: 250 characters (50 words) or less.
Link: Please specify URL for link in ad
Please submit materials by email or Facebook after payment.
All ads go through an approval process to ensure that they are safe and appropriate. The publisher reserves the right to reject ads.
Payment is due in advance. Deadline: 25th of month prior to publication. Thank you!
Click the following links to view recent issues online. The newsletter is produced in conjunction with Jesusinlove.org and was formerly called the Jesus in Love Newsletter.
It is published once a month (plus two special issues on Palm Sunday/Easter and Christmas).
The e-newsletter covers LGBTQ saints, history, holidays, books and more with an emphasis on visual art. Cutting-edge authors and theologians are introduced.
Readers call it inspiring, empowering, courageous, “always informative” and “always fabulous.” It is often praised as “one of the only email newsletters that I actually read.”