Last Updated on August 11, 2024 by Kittredge Cherry

books Queer Prophets joined
Feb. 23, 2021
Affirming: A Memoir of Faith, Sexuality, and Staying in the Church” by Sally Gary. Published by Eerdmans.

April 20, 2021
Family of Origin, Family of Choice: Stories of Queer Christians” by Katie Hays and Susan A. Chiasson. Foreword by Paula Stone Williams. Published by Eerdmans.

April 20, 2021
Made, Known, Loved: Developing LGBTQ-Inclusive Youth Ministry” by Ross Murray. Published by Fortress Press.

Sept. 1, 2021
Gay, Catholic, and American: My Legal Battle for Marriage Equality and Inclusion” by Gregory Bourke. Published by University of Notre Dame Press.

Sept. 15, 2021
Mychal Judge: ‘Take Me Where You Want Me to Go’” by Francis DeBernardo. BESTSELLER AT Q SPIRIT. Published by Liturgical Press.

Oct. 19, 2021
Still Stace: My Gay Christian Coming-of-Age Story” by Stacey Chomiak. Illustrated memoir for ages 8 to 12. Published by Beaming Books.

Update on Dec. 4, 2020 — Click here for the full list of the Top 28 LGBTQ Christian books of 2020!

Updated Nov. 1, 2020 — New LGBTQ Christian books are being published in 2020, including theology, Bible, history, memoir, church life and guides to Christian life by diverse authors.

Update on Dec. 4, 2020 — Click here for the full list of the Top 28 LGBTQ Christian books of 2020!

Here are summaries of LGBTQ Christian books released so far this year, plus a list of titles that are coming soon. Hard-to-find new gifts for LGBTQ Christians and allies are included too. This article will be updated continuously as the year progresses.

Book of Queer Prophets cover

The Book of Queer Prophets: 24 Writers on Sexuality and Religion” by Ruth Hunt (editor).

Inspiring stories of love and resilience from important LGBTQ ministers, thinkers and activists come together in this collection. Contributors include lesbian novelist Jeanette Winterson, queer Indian-American Episcopal priest Winnie Varghese, transgender Anglican priest Rachel Mann, black gay Methodist chaplain Jarel Robinson-Brown, gay Church of Scotland minister John Bell, Muslim drag queen Amrou Al-Kadhi, queer artist Ric Stott, and many more. Edited by Ruth Hunt, former CEO of the major British LGBTQ-rights charity Stonewall Equality Ltd. Afterword by Anglican minister Kate Bottley. This British edition is available now, and a U.S. edition is planned for 2021. Published by HarperCollins.


Byzantine Intersectionality book cover
Byzantine Intersectionality: Sexuality, Gender, and Race in the Middle Ages” by Roland Betancourt.

Queer relationships and identities in medieval times are revealed. The chapter titled “Transgender Lives” covers narratives of trans and gender-nonconforming monks plus historical gender-affirming practices by ascetic action and surgery. The “Queer Sensation” chapter explores same-gender desire and homosocial and homoerotic relationships in monastic communities by looking at how they portrayed the gospel story of Doubting Thomas. The final chapter examines stereotypes of gender and ethnicity in portrayals of the Ethiopian eunuch from Acts. The radically intersectional book puts sexuality and gender into the context of discourses on race, sexual and reproductive consent, bullying and slut-shaming. The author is professor of art history and at the University of California, Irvine. Published by Princeton University Press.


Catechism of the Heart book cover
A Catechism of the Heart: A Jesuit Missioned to the Laity” by Benjamin Brenkert.

A gay Catholic stands up for LGBTQ rights, ending his 10-year quest to become the first officially ordained gay Jesuit priest, in this memoir. His faith led him to quit the Catholic church because other LGBTQ employees were being fired from Catholic institutions. Foreword by Robert Waldron, author of six books on Thomas Merton and winner of Catholic Press Association prizes. Brenkert is a New York writer and therapist who is completing his doctorate in education at Columbia University. Published by Wipf and Stock.


Recently published

The Queer Evangelist” by Cheri DiNovo. Published by Wilfrid Laurier University Press.

The Name: A History of the Dual-Gendered Hebrew Name for God” by Mark Sameth. Published by Wipf and Stock.

Somebody Told Me: A Novel of Trauma, Identity, and Survival” by Mia Siegert. Published by Carolrhoda Lab.

Finding Her: Memoir of a Christian Lesbian” by Sharon Wulfensmith. Published by Bookstand Publishing.


Coming soon and available for pre-order

Dec. 21
Towards a Theology of Same-Sex Marriage: Squaring the Circle” by Clare Herbert. Published by Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

Jan. 2, 2021
Queer Political Theologies” by Ricky Varghese, David K. Seitz and Fan Wu (editors). Published by Duke University Press

Feb. 23, 2021
Affirming: A Memoir of Faith, Sexuality, and Staying in the Church” by Sally Gary. Published by Eerdmans.

Sept. 15, 2021
Mychal Judge: ‘Take Me Where You Want Me to Go’” by Francis DeBernardo. BESTSELLER AT Q SPIRIT. Published by Liturgical Press.


Added in October

Bi the Way book cover
Bi the Way: Pastoring Bisexual Christians in Europe” by Carol Shepherd.

Silence is broken about bisexual Christians in this resource. Bisexuals are an often-overlooked group in “LGBTQ,” even though statistics in the book prove that they outnumber gays and lesbians. The book explores bisexual Christian identities, ministry and history, especially in Europe. It shows how bisexual people face unique mental health issues and church discrimination, and offers resources to help. The author is bisexual Christian with a doctorate in theology from the University of Winchester, England. She teaches sociology at Andover College in Hampstead. Shepherd is also the author of the 2020 book “Blood on Its Hands?: The Church and LGBT Youth” with a foreword by Australian LGBTQ Christian ambassador Anthony Venn-Brown. Published by Easy Yoke Publishing.


Shape of Sex book cover
The Shape of Sex: Nonbinary Gender from Genesis to the Renaissance” by Leah DeVun.

A historian reveals how the early church embraced queer ideas such as the belief that Adam and Jesus were intersex. Theologians reflected on gender by discussing individuals who combined or crossed sex or gender binaries. Gender nonconformity was brutally erased in the 13th century, but welcomed again in the Renaissance. The author is associate professor of history at Rutgers University and coeditor of an issue of TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly. Published by Columbia University Press.


Only a F Jesus book cover
Only a F—-t* Jesus Can Save Us: Christian Reflections in Gay Code” by Carlos Osma.

Prophetic queer theological reflections and Biblical interpretation are written by a gay religion writer who dares to use an anti-gay slur in his book title. Based in Barcelona, the author asserts that Christ can’t save anyone without representing everyone, including the queerest of the queer. Osma told Q Spirit that he struggled with his decision to translate “marica” into an English slur that is so offensive that it is blurred and not printed in full here. Q Spirit had an intense discussion with readers before deciding to recommend the book because of its valuable content, despite its provocative title. The collection gathers together some 50 short articles that were first published in progressive Christian magazines or the author’s blog, Homoprotestantes. Translated from the Spanish edition “Solo un Jesús marica puede salvarnos: Reflexiones cristianas en clave gay.” Forewords by Krzysztof Charamsa, Polish Catholic priest who was fired by the Vatican for being openly gay, and Danish theologian Renato Lings. The author hold degrees in both mathematics and religious Sciences and a postgraduate degree in interreligious dialogue. Published by Ediciones Homoprotestantes. *Warning: anti-gay slur in title.


Montevergine by Tony O'Connell
Our Lady of Montevergine” limited run lino print by Tony O’Connell.

With bold black-and-white strokes, a new icon shows “Our Lady of Montevergine” in solidarity with the queer couple that she rescues. She even takes on their wounds. In the winter of 1256 she sent unexpected sunshine to warm the lovers who were beaten and left to die in the cold when a caught them kissing in the Italian woods. It may be the only recorded miracle in church history in which the Madonna saves a pair of same-sex lovers from homophobic violence. Queer British artist Tony O’Connell completed the limited-run linocut in September 2020. Click for more info on the artwork and the Virgin of Montevergine.


Added in September

Queerfully and Wonderfully Made book cover
Queerfully and Wonderfully Made: A Guide for LGBTQ+ Christian Teens” by Leigh Finke (editor).

LGBTQ teens are assured that their queerness is part of God’s plan in this fun, enlightening and compassionate guide for young people ages 12 and up. A broad range of LGBTQ religious issues are covered, including Biblical arguments, church reactions, conversion therapy, and “queer icons of Christianity” such as saints Sebastian and Joan of Arc. Others on the queer icon list are Hildegard of Bingen, Perpetua and Felicity, and Michelangelo. Additional chapters cover definitions, self-care, coming out, consent, sex, being queer online and much more, with personal stories scattered throughout the text. The book ends with a helpful glossary and resource list. It is edited by religion writer Leigh Finke and written by a team of writers with expertise in ministry, mental health, art, education, and LGBTQ+ activism. Foreword by Jennifer Knapp, contemporary Christian music star who came out as lesbian. It is a companion book to “Welcoming and Affirming: A Guide to Supporting and Working with LGBTQ+ Christian Teens.” Published by Beaming Books.


Welcoming and Affirming book cover

Welcoming and Affirming: A Guide to Supporting and Working with LGBTQ+ Christian Youth” by Leigh Finke (editor).

Learn to affirm LGBTQ Christian teens as God does with this comprehensive guide. Topics include Biblical arguments, creating an affirming church culture, recognizing one’s own biases, definitions, dealing with parents, sex education, and much more. It is edited by religion writer Leigh Finke and written by a team of LGBTQ adults, with personal stories from queer youth. A section on “Queer People in the Early Church” has profiles of Aelred, Augustine of Hippo, Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz, Bernard of Clairvaux, Hildegard of Bingen, and Joan of Arc. Foreword by bishop Kevin Strickland of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. This is the companion book to “Queerfully and Wonderfully Made: A Guide for LGBTQ+ Christian Teens.” Published by Broadleaf Books.

Concert and Closet book cover

The Concert and the Closet: A Comic Book on Depression, Moments of Grace, and Closeted Gay Christians” by Stefan Salinas.

A Catholic San Francisco artist shares his loving encounters with LGBTQ Christians, including closeted gay men and an LGBTQ-affirming priest, as he himself approaches the faith in the illustrated book “The Concert and the Closet: A Comic Book on Depression, Moments of Grace, and Closeted Gay Christians” by Stefan Salinas. Reading the graphic novel is like looking through the artist’s sketchbook. Handwritten notes and unedited drawings give a fresh, personal view of people and places such as Father Donal Godfrey of Most Holy Redeemer Catholic church, Grace Episcopal cathedral (including the AIDS Interfaith Memorial Chapel), Twin Peaks bar in the Castro and the Pride parade. The impressionistic style subtly explores the insider/outsider dynamic of being in/out of the church or the closet. The author’s work has been widely published and he did public art commissions for many churches. Published by Camelopardalis.


Added in August

Book cover God Lesbian and Space in Between
God, a Lesbian, and the Space in Between” by Michelle Johns.

A lesbian’s quest to stay connected with God despite anti-LGBTQ bias in her family, church and society comes to life in this memoir. Raised as a tomboy and daughter of preachers in the black church, the author had an awakening after she left home for college. She writes, “I want you to know how I survived and found peace with God as I am. A lesbian.” The author is an entrepreneur, musician and worship leader. Independently published.


book cover Sacred Sheltering
Sacred Sheltering” by Megan Rohrer.

This timely new children’s book, safe for LGBTQ families, is a fun way to teach kids about staying healthy during the corona virus pandemic. For example: “If you go outside, please wear a mask. You can love your neighbor with this simple task.” It is aimed at children ages 3 to 12 years old. Delightfully cute illustrations by Franzi Paetzold show diverse families, including multiracial and queer families. The book mentions God without reference to any specific religion. The companion volume, “Sacred Anger,” helps children think about protest as a faithful activity.The author is pastor at Grace Lutheran Church in San Francisco and the first openly transgender pastor ordained in the Lutheran Church. Rohrer’s previous children’s books “Faithful Families” and “Mister Grumpy Christian” were popular on Q Spirit’s previous annual lists of the top LGBTQ Christian books. Published by Wilgefortis Press.


Sex with God cover
BARGAIN ALERT: Paperback price $13 or less
Sex with God: Meditations on the Sacred Nature of Sex in a Post-Purity Culture World” by Suzanne DeWitt Hall.

Fifty daily meditations reflect on sexuality and encourage readers of all kinds to invite God into their lovemaking in this upbeat, up-to-date guide. “Sex with God” affirms that desiring the same sex, the opposite sex, both, or neither are all reflections of God. The book reveals that God is a non-binary, polyamorous pansexual who is endlessly passionate about people, body and soul. Readers are encouraged and equipped to develop their own sexual ethic. Accessible meditations are spiced with quotes from scripture and other sources. While the focus is primarily Christian, some meditations highlight concepts from other faiths such as the Jewish “bashert” (soulmate) and the Hindu greeting “namaste.” The author, who dedicates the book to her wife, unapologetically affirms monogamy and elegantly walks the line between “anything goes” and “how not to do it.” Two of Hall’s books were on Q Spirit’s annual list of top books in previous years: “Transfigured” and “Where True Love Is.” Published by DH Strategies.


Sebastian by Felix D'Eon
Print of Saint Sebastian by Felix d’Eon

A new artwork of Saint Sebastian, patron saint of gay men, has been created by gay Latinx artist Felix d’Eon of Mexico City. Sebastian was an early Christian martyr killed in 288 in Rome on orders from the Roman emperor. Prints of this and his other art are available at the Art of Felix d’Eon Etsy shop.


Added in July

Book Pauli Murray by Saxby
Pauli Murray: A Personal and Political Life” by Troy R. Saxby.

This intimate biography provides the most comprehensive look yet at the inner life of queer saint and civil-rights champion Pauli Murray, including struggles against homophobia and transphobia. Murray was attracted to women and had the longest relationships with women, but also sometimes identified as a man trapped in a woman’s body and took hormone treatments. Considered “the first black woman ordained as an Episcopal priest,” Murray organized protests and wrote legal arguments that were used in landmark Supreme Court decisions outlawing racism and sexism. The author is an academic and research officer at the University of Newcastle. Published by University of North Carolina Press.


Bad Theology Kills cover
Bad Theology Kills: Undoing Toxic Belief and Reclaiming Your Spiritual Authority” by Kevin Miguel Garcia.

Raised evangelical, the author went through 12 years of ex-gay therapy resulting in two suicide attempts before he realized that God intended him to be queer. “I’m telling you my story because so many have not survived to tell theirs,” Garcia explains. This memoir reveals Garcia’s personal journey and gives fresh takes on Bible stories. Readers find out how to create theology that transforms common toxic belief patterns into life-giving, LGBTQ-affirming faith. The author is a digital pastor, spiritual director and intuitive life coach. Independently published.

Added in June

Beyond Shame book cover
Beyond Shame: Creating a Healthy Sex Life on Your Own Terms” by Matthias Roberts.

Overcome sexual shame while embracing your faith with help from an openly gay psychotherapist in “Beyond Shame: Creating a Healthy Sex Life on Your Own Terms” by Matthias Roberts. The book offers methods for moving to a more life-affirming view of faith and sexuality by dealing with lies about Biblical teachings on sex and LGBTQ identities. His accessible style includes many personal stories. The book speaks to readers “whether you’re queer or straight or somewhere in between.” The author is a licensed mental-health counselor associate in Seattle, Washington, with a master’s degree in theology. Published by Fortress Press, the official publisher for the Lutheran (ELCA) Church.

Added in May

Proclaim! Sharing Words, Living Examples, Changing Lives: An Exploration of Episcopal Liturgy from a Black, Queer, Millennial Perspective” by Marcus George Halley.

Each chapter blends a Biblical story, theology and a black, queer millennial’s real-world experience to affirm how worship can proclaim social justice. The author recently became dean of formation for the Episcopal Church in Connecticut after serving as rector of St. Paul’s Church on Lake of the Isles in Minneapolis, and adjunct professor of homiletics at United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities. Published by Church Publishing, the official publisher of worship resources for the Episcopal church.


Confessions of a Gay Priest: A Memoir of Sex, Love, Abuse, and Scandal in the Catholic Seminary” by Tom Rastrelli.

A former Catholic priest reveals the closeted underworld of clergy culture. Public displays of piety, celibacy and homophobia cover up guilty sexual relations between priests, self-loathing, alcohol, hidden crushes, and a cycle of abuse. Rastrelli, a survivor of childhood sexual abuse, began studying for the priesthood in the mid-1990s and was ordained in 2002 at the time of the Boston pedophile-priest scandal. In this memoir, Rastrelli takes an unapologetic look at his own experiences and how the “formation” intended to make him a compliant priest eventually helped to liberate him. The author is director of digital communications at Willamette University in Salem, Oregon. Published by University of Iowa Press.

Added in April

Nomad for God” by Dusty Pruitt.
A lesbian pastor / Army officer shares a lifetime of lessons learned in this accessible memoir. Raised in a fundamentalist Baptist home in Texas, she came out as a lesbian as a young woman in the 1970s, sued the US Army to serve as an openly gay officer and pastored in the LGBTQ community. The memoir reveals her journey to reconcile God, gays and the Bible. The author served as senior pastor at Metropolitan Community Church of Long Beach, California from 1980-1995 and is still an active ordained minister in the United Church of Christ. She has a doctorate from Claremont School of Theology. Published by Trafford.


The Courage to Love and Serve: The Life Story of Rev. Judith A. Beaumont: A Roman Catholic Woman Priest And A Saint for Our Times” by Judith A. B. Lee.

A nun’s life of prophetic obedience — and disobedience — is revealed in a biography by the woman priest who was her longtime partner in life and ministry. Judith Beaumont (1937-2018) was a Benedictine sister for 34 years and a Roman Catholic Woman Priest ordained in 2012. Her commitment to serving God and humanity led her on a surprising path from teaching in Chicago’s parochial schools to being imprisoned for protesting nuclear war in a Plowshares action. Together she and her partner created justice in many ways, including prison reform, women’s shelters and homeless ministry. Beaumont even faced terminal cancer with faithful courage. The book is loaded with original source material, using Beaumont’s own words wherever possible. The author is a Roman Catholic Woman Priest, pastor of an Inclusive Catholic Community in Florida; and professor emerita of social work at the University of Connecticut. Published by Outskirts Press.


OtherWise Christian 2: Stories of Resistance” by Chris Paige (editor).
Transgender, non-binary, intersex and two-spirit authors share their diverse experiences with Christianity in this collection. The 29 contributors come from many different faith traditions and include prominent trans spokespersons such as Virginia Mollenkott, Erin Swenson, Cameron Partridge and Donovan Ackley III, as well as newer millennial voices such as Diamond Stylz and intersex voices such as Lianne Simon. Some stayed in the church, some left permanently and some wandered and returned. Foreword by Victoria Kolakowski, a retired minister and California’s first openly transgender judge. Author Chris Paige of OtherWise Christian was founding executive director of TransFaith. Published by OtherWise Engaged Publishing.


In Remembrance of Me, Bearing Witness to Transgender Tragedy: An OtherWise Reflection Guide” by Chris Paige
Grief, self-care and other themes suitable for Transgender Day of Remembrance are presented in Bible-based meditations. Chapters reflect on vigilance, observance, reflection, bearing witness, lamentation, resilience, resistance, repentance and hope. Appendices include liturgical resources. The author was founding executive director of TransFaith and published “The Other Side” magazine. Published by OtherWise Engaged Publishing.

Added in March

The Galilee Episode: Two Men in One Bed, Two Women Grinding” by Ronald Goetz.

The historical Jesus discussed same-sex couples as the targets of legal persecution in the so-called “rapture” verses (Luke 17:34-35), according to this ground-breaking and well-researched Bible study. Pro-LGBTQ Bible scholars usually ignore this passage, but Goetz reveals that Jesus was speaking about how lesbian and gay couples were arrested and received differing legal treatment (one taken, the other left). The book exposes detailed evidence from each of the three major sources for first-century Palestine (the Talmud, the gospels and Josephus). Disagreement among New Testament scribes about homosexuality led to cover-ups and centuries of denial — until now. Calling himself a “recovering fundamentalist,” the seminary-trained author is a former board member of PFLAG and GLSEN who served one year as a Christian and Missionary Alliance pastor and 13 days in jail for civil disobedience. Published by Blossom Valley Trumpet.

Added in February

Queer Religiosities: An Introduction to Queer and Transgender Studies in Religion” by Melissa M. Wilcox.

An overview of queer and trans religious life around the world is presented in an accessible yet sophisticated way. The books begins with an introduction to key concepts and history, followed by chapters on stories, conversations, practices, identities, communities, and politics and power. Further study is encouraged with a bibliography, discussion questions and annotated filmography. The author is religion professor at the University of California, Riverside. Published by Rowman and Littlefield. Release date: Feb. 19.


LGBTQ Christian gifts

Medal of Saint Aelred and friend: Patron of LGBTQ people

It’s rare for a religious medal to show same-sex love between a pair of equals or to shows saints looking at each other. But that is what happens in the handmade pewter Saint Aelred of Rievaulx medals by Louisiana artist Hank Schlau. Aelred is the patron saint of friendship and also, some say, gay.  The LGBTQ Episcopal group Integrity chose him as its patron saint. Historian John Boswell wrote, “There can be little question that Aelred was gay and that his erotic attraction to men was a dominant force in his life.” Aelred and his friend stand face to face, arms on each other’s shoulders in the unusual and most appropriate medals. The Saint Aelred medals are available from Amazon with a chain or without a chain — and from his “In the Company of Saints” shop with a chain or without a chain.

Related links

Top 23 LGBTQ Christian books of 2019 named

Top 30 LGBTQ Christian books of 2018 named

Top 25 LGBTQ Christian books of 2017 named

Top 35 LGBTQ Christian books of 2016 named

Top 25 LGBTQ Christian books of 2015 named

Top 25 LGBTQ Christian books of 2014 named

Top 22 Gay Jesus books

Basic LGBTQ Christian books: Where to start?

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Copyright © Kittredge Cherry. All rights reserved. presents the Jesus in Love Blog on LGBTQ spirituality.

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