How to groom a dog: Do-it-yourself dog groomer tells all

How to groom a dog: Do-it-yourself dog groomer tells all

Learn how to groom a dog from an experienced do-it-yourself dog groomer. Grooming your own dog is a fun way to save money and build a closer bond with your pet. (Q Spirit is hosting this article as a way to support dogs and dog lovers.) “You’ll save a lot of money in...
Top 13 ways to stop puppy biting

Top 13 ways to stop puppy biting

I learned how to stop puppy biting the hard way — from my own experience raising a super-mouthy Great Dane puppy. Here I share the secrets of what works and doesn’t work. (This is an updated version of my most popular post.  Q Spirit is hosting this article as a...
Best leash and collar for a big dog

Best leash and collar for a big dog

People often say our Great Dane is like a horse — and we found that the best way to walk him is with a Halti head collar similar to a horse halter. (Q Spirit is hosting this article as a way to support dogs and dog lovers. This is an updated version of my...