by Kittredge Cherry | | Books
Bisexual Christian experience and the Biblical story of Sodom are explored in new LGBTQ books this month. They are “Visions of Sodom: Religion, Homoerotic Desire, and the End of the World in England, c. 1550–1850” by H.G. Cocks and “119: My Life as a Bisexual...
by Kittredge Cherry | | Books
LGBTQ Eastern Orthodox Christians and the spiritually adventurous wife of a gay man tell their stories in two new books this month. They are a collection titled “‘For I Am Wonderfully Made’: Texts on Eastern Orthodoxy and LGBT Inclusion” and “Trust Truth: A Spiritual...
by Kittredge Cherry | | Books
Sexuality, theology, history and church life are explored in four new LGBTQ Christian books this month. “Tantric Jesus: The Erotic Heart of Early Christianity” by James Hughes Reho is already a bestseller at Q Spirit’s Jesus in Love blog. The other books...
by Kittredge Cherry | | Books
Check out the top 35 LGBTQ Christian books of 2016 — including queer theology, Bible, history, memoir, fiction and church life for all ages. The incredibly diverse list was announced today by lesbian Christian author Kittredge Cherry on the Jesus in Love Blog at...
by Kittredge Cherry | | Books
Lesbian spiritual life is explored in two new books this month: a memoir and a novel. They are “For Those Tears I Died” by Marsha Stevens and “Scags at 30” by Deborah Emin. “For Those Tears I Died: The Amazing Story About How One Song Brought Healing to Millions and...
by Kittredge Cherry | | Books
LGBTQ Christian theology, Bible study, memoir and fiction are presented in five new books this month. They are “UnClobber: Rethinking Our Misuse of the Bible on Homosexuality” by Colby Martin, “I Love to Tell the Story: 100+ Stories of Justice, Inclusion, and Hope” by...
by Kittredge Cherry | | Books
Dozens of books with LGBTQ Christian themes were published in 2015. Here is a list of the top 25 – including, theology, memoir, Bible, history, art, film, fiction and church life. The year’s diverse group of authors approaches the subject in all different ways:...