by Kittredge Cherry | | Feb 1-15, Saints
Saints Polyeuct and Nearchus were Roman soldiers in 3rd-century Armenia and “brothers by affection.” They are a prime example of same-sex lovers in the early church. Polyeuct’s feast day is Feb. 13. The earliest account of Polyeuct’s martyrdom, a 4th-century Armenian...
by Kittredge Cherry | | Feb 1-15, Saints
Marriage equality has a surprising role model in Saint Valentine, a 3rd-century Roman priest who defied the restrictive marriage laws of his era to bless couples who were forbidden to marry. His feast day is, of course, Valentine’s Day (Feb. 14). Saint Valentine was...
by Kittredge Cherry | | Feb 1-15, Saints
Ibrahim Abdurrahman Farajajé was a queer theologian, HIV/AIDS activist, interfaith scholar, multi-ethnic artist, and spiritual leader. He died on Feb. 9, 2016 at age 63 in Oakland, California. Formerly known as Elias Farajajé-Jones, he was born on Dec. 19, 1952 and...
by Kittredge Cherry | | Feb 1-15, Saints
Xenia of Saint Petersburg is a 18th-century saint who married a soldier and assumed his identity after he died, becoming a “holy fool” who was canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church. This queer saint’s feast days are Jan. 24 and Feb. 6. Xenia (c. 1719-1730 –...
by Kittredge Cherry | | Feb 1-15, Saints
The Madonna of Montevergine has a reputation for helping queer people since medieval times — including the miraculous rescue of a male couple left to die in Italy more than 750 years ago. Processions to her shrine have been called “ancestral gay pride” marches...
by Kittredge Cherry | | Feb 1-15, Saints
Brigid of Kildare and her soulmate Darlughdach were sixth-century Irish nuns who brought art, education and spirituality to early medieval Ireland. They each served as abbess in Kildare with authority over several monasteries. Brigid (c. 451-525) shares her name and...