Last Updated on December 2, 2024 by Kittredge Cherry

Centurion and his servant by Tobias Haller

Centurion and his Pais by Aaron Holloway

Jesus praised a gay centurion in the Roman army as a model of faith and healed his male lover in the gospels, according to some Bible experts.

The centurion’s story has gotten surprisingly little attention throughout history considering that Jesus himself was impressed by his faith. But the Roman soldier has always been an unlikely role model. Jesus’ contemporaries were probably shocked that the great healer would praise a military man who enforced Roman occupation of their land. Today people may find the centurion unappealing because he may have been queer, or a slave owner, or both. It was just like Jesus to take someone disreputable and praise them as holy.

Both Matthew 8:5-13 and Luke 7:1-10 tell how a centurion asked Jesus to heal the young man referred to in the original Greek as his “pais” (παῖς). The word was commonly used for the younger partner in a same-sex relationship. It is usually translated into English as boy, servant or slave. In recent years progressive Bible scholars have concluded that the centurion was in a homosexual relationship with the “slave who was dear to him” in the gospel story — in other words, his boyfriend. However being gay today implies an egalitarian relationship, while the centurion and his pais were obviously unequal male partners, as was common at the time.

The story of the centurion is read every year in Roman Catholic churches on the first Monday of Advent (Dec. 2, 2024). Some call it “Gaius and Basanius Monday.” The centurion is unnamed in the Bible, but LGBTQ tradition has given him the name Gaius, emphasizing his connection to the gay community. The name Basanius is proposed for his lover because in Greek the gospel says that he was “basanizomenos” (βασανιζόμενος) or “tormented.” The centurion  is  assigned to odd dates that rarely come up in the lectionary used by Protestant churches,

Q Spirit also highlights the centurion and his servant on March 15 for the feast day of Longinus, a centurion at the crucifixion of Jesus. Longinus pierced Christ’s side at the crucifixion and declared, “Truly this man was the son of God.” It’s possible that he is the same faithful gay centurion whose beloved boyfriend was healed by Jesus.

Healing the servant of the Centurion, Dionysiou Monastery 1547

“Healing the servant of the Centurion” is a fresco from 1547 at Dionysiou Monastery, an Eastern Orthodox monastery on Mount Altos in Greece

A centurion was a Roman commander in charge of approximately 100 soldiers. They probably spoke their local language and Latin, the official language of the Roman military. In Luke’s account, the centurion sends Jewish elders to speak to Jesus for him. Jews generally resented and resisted the Roman occupation forces, but the elders told Jesus that the centurion deserved his help because he treated the local community unexpectedly well, even helping build their synagogue.

The centurion asks Jesus to help because his servant is in physical and mental agony: paralyzed and “tormented.” Jesus was willing to go into the centurion’s house to heal his lover, but the centurion stopped him, saying, “Sir, I am not worthy to have you come under my roof. But just say the word, and my servant will be healed. For I myself am a man under authority, with soldiers under me. I tell one to go, and he goes; and another to come, and he comes. I tell my servant to do something, and he does it.” During the coronavirus pandemic, this long-distance method might be called “social distancing.” Jesus saw it as an act of great faith.

Jesus marveled and told the crowd around him, “Not even in Israel have I found such faith!” To the centurion he said, “Go; be it done for you as you have believed.” And his boyfriend was healed at that moment.

While the faithful centurion himself is rarely mentioned, his words do live on in a prayer used in many Catholic and Protestant eucharistic liturgies. For example, every day millions of Catholics around the world echo his words in the prayer immediately before communion at Catholic mass: “Lord I am not worthy to receive you under my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed.”

New in Dec 2024: Icon shows embrace of centurion and his servant

Centurion and his servant by Tobias HallerA new icon presents the centurion and his servant in way that they may never have been seen before: Both men appear healthy, arms around each other in a loving embrace, in an icon by artist Tobias Haller. They gaze directly at the viewer with pride, perhaps even defiance. The gleam of the Centurion’s armor is matched by the sheen on the skin of his shirtless “servant” or in the original Greek of the New Testament, his “pais.” This much-disputed word is written in Greek next to him. The centurion or ἑκατόνταρχος (hekatontarchos) is also labeled in Biblical Greek. The icon appears at the top of this post.

Haller is an iconographer, author, composer, and retired vicar of Saint James Episcopal Church in the Bronx, still assisting at a parish in Baltimore, Maryland. Haller enjoys expanding the diversity of icons available by creating icons of LGBTQ people and other progressive holy figures as well as traditional saints. His artwork appears frequently on Q Spirit.

Centurion’s story can affirm LGBTQ people

Scholars believe that “boy” was the centurion’s sex partner not only due to the word “pais,” but also because it is unlikely that a soldier would care so much about an ordinary slave. It was common in Greco-Roman culture for mature men to pair up with a young man as his lover in “erastes-eromenes” pederastic sexual relationship.

billboard Jesus affirmed gay couple

This interpretation is promoted by LGBTQ-friendly church groups such as on billboards stating “Jesus affirmed a gay couple.” For more info, see my previous post, Billboards show gay-friendly Jesus.

Centurion print 1839

An 1839 copper engraving of the Centurion asking Jesus to heal his servant appears in “Miller’s Scripture History,” published by J. Rider. An original print was available at Amazon. The poem below the image reads: “Christ to Capernaum takes his way: There a Centurion comes to pray, If on the Lord he may prevail To come, and his sick servant heal.”

Scholars also note that any relationship between an adult soldier and his “boy” or “slave” is inherently asymmetrical, not a partnership of mutual equality.  Christopher B. Zeichmann, New Testament instructor at the University of Toronto, writes about it as “a text of queer terror” in the context of “the rape culture of antiquity.”

Centurion print 1914

The centurion says, “Speak the word only, and my servant shall be healed” in a page from the 1914 edition of Bible Readings for the Home Circle. The original page was available at the Things Are So Lovely shop on Etsy.

Artists and writers portray the gay centurion

Artists have also tended to overlook the gay centurion’s story. Vintage Bible books are a good place to find images of the centurion asking Jesus to heal his “servant.” Some contemporary LGBTQ artists are also presenting the scene.

“Centurion and his Pais” by Aaron Holloway appears at the top of this post. The mixed emotions of homoerotic love between a soldier and his servant are expressed with stark clarity in the photo by Holloway, an Australian photographic artist living in Germany. The inequality of their social positions is expressed in their physical stance: The centurion sits on a chair in his armored military uniform, minus the helmet, with one hand on his sword and the other hand caressing his lover’s head. The nearly naked pais rests on the floor with his head in the centuion’s lap. He clings to the centurion’s ankle, but the glum expression on the face of the pais suggests that he may be a less than enthusiastic participant in their sexual games — or perhaps he is just sick and in need of healing. Holloway’s work is online at

A Bible quote appears in the rainbow colors of the LGBTQ Pride flag behind Jesus and the centurion in a 2022 artwork by Gustavo Daguerre of Argentina.

Centurion and Jesus by Gustavo Daguerre

Jesus and the Centurion by Gustavo Daguerre

The scripture is a Spanish version of the centurion’s words to Jesus in Matthew 8:8: “Lord, I am not worthy to have you come under my roof, but only say the word, and my servant will be healed” (Señor, no soy digno de que entres en mi casa, pero una palabra tuya bastará para sanarle.)  The image was added to Q Spirit in 2023 for the centurion’s feast day.

Rainbow Centurion and Jesus by Jeremy Whitner

“Rainbow Centurion and Jesus” by Jeremy Whitner

In a colorful 2022 painting by queer Christian iconographer Jeremy Whitner, the centurion has a rainbow halo to indicate his connection to the LGBTQ community as he asks Jesus to heal his same-sex lover. Jesus also has a rainbow halo, inspired by the Rainbow Christ Prayer that reveals the many faces of the queer Christ. Whitner is in process for ministry with the Disciples of Christ and attends Union Presbyterian Seminary in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Rainbow Christ Last Supper by Jeremy Whitner

“Do This in Remembrance of Me” by Jeremy Whitner includes the centurion with a rainbow halo.

The centurion appears again in Whitner’s vision of the Last Supper.  He places the centurion is among the disciples in “Do This in Remembrance of Me.” The centurion can be identified by his rainbow halo and the red crest on top of his helmet. It’s unusual to picture the centurion at the Last Supper, but Whitner believes he joined the other disciples at the Passover meal because of his faith in Jesus. “When I consecrate communion I always make of point of saying the centurion was probably there, along with the woman with the issue of blood,” Whitner told Q Spirit.

Centurion Gutenberg

Detail from “Healing the Centurion’s Servant” in Mother Stories From the New Testament by Anonymous, 1906

Gay New Zealand artist Christopher Olwage pictures the centurion and his “pais” with Jesus at the cross in his 2015 crucifixion painting. The scene is framed by a male couple: the centurion on the left and the man “who was dear to him” on the right. The nude painting includes two other men who may have had male-male sexual relationships with Christ: John, who is most often identified as the Beloved Disciple and Lazarus. For more info, see the previous post Gay Jesus painting shown in New Zealand.

Olwage, Christopher, Crucifixion

“Crucifixion” by Christopher Olwage (oil on canvas)

Jesus’ healing interaction with the same-sex couple has fascinated artist Eric Martin so much that he created two works based on their story. Martin (1960 – 2017) was a gay poet, artist, and church organist in Burlington, North Carolina. He earned a Master of Divinity degree from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, NC.

Traces of His Presence by Eric Martin (gay centurion)

“Traces of His Presence” by Eric Martin

“Traces of His Presence” uses fluid lines and bold red to reveal the face of Christ in the holy space between the centurion and his beloved.

The Visit by Eric Marin

“The Visit” by Eric Martin

Martin takes a more realistic approach in “The Visit.” A rainbow arches behind Jesus as he gazes at the centurion and his pais. Their varied expressions draw the viewer deeper into the drama.

Sexual expression of a centurion’s love for Jesus is also the theme of “The Love That Dares To Speak Its Name” by British writer James Kirkup, the poem that led to a notorious trial and the last blasphemy conviction in Britain.  Written from the viewpoint of a centurion, it graphically describes him having sex with Jesus’ corpse after his crucifixion and claims that Jesus had sex with other men, including his disciples, guards and Pontius Pilate. Gay News published the poem in 1976 and its editor, Don Lemon, became the last person convicted of blasphemous libel on July 11, 1977.  Since then the poem has been made available by other publishers and public readings, but it is still technically illegal to publish the poem in the United Kingdom.

The centurion speaks his queer love and faith this way in the last lines of the poem:

And after three long, lonely days, like years,
in which I roamed the gardens of my grief
seeking for him, my one friend who had gone from me,
he rose from sleep, at dawn, and showed himself to me before
all others. And took me to him with
the love that now forever dares to speak its name.

Books that explore the homosexuality of the gay centurion

Book Queer Readings of Centurion
Queer Readings of the Centurion at Capernaum: Their History and Politics” by Christopher Zeichmann.

LGBTQ interpretations of Jesus healing a soldier’s boyfriend are explored in this scholarly book. It documents 40 years of homoerotic readings of the Bible story, but this is the first full book devoted to the subject. The queer approach is based on translations of the Bible passage about the “pais” or young man who was “dear” to the centurion and the prevalence of homosexuality in the Roman army. The monograph traces how homoerotic readings of the scripture have evolved since the 1950s based on sexual, political and theological trends. It includes a helpful appendix with a chronology of homoerotic readings from 1950-1989. The author teaches New Testament at the University of Toronto and Toronto Metropolitan University in Canada. Published by SBL Press (Society of Biblical Literature) in 2022.

Jonathan Loved David: Homosexuality in Biblical Times by Tom Horner

Freedom, Glorious Freedom: The Spiritual Journey to the Fullness of Life for Gays, Lesbians, and Everybody Else by John McNeill

The Children Are Free: Reexamining the Biblical Evidence on Same-sex Relationships by Jeff Miner and John Tyler Connoley

What the Bible Really Says about Homosexuality by Daniel Helminiak

The Man Jesus Loved: Homoerotic Narratives from the New Testament by Theodore Jennings

Queering My Religion: Biblical Stories of Queer Love In The 90’s” by Jeff Crim is a short-story collection where Bible stories are re-imagined through a queer lens in the 1990s Midwest. Fictional characters connect the 20th-century with four scriptural narratives that are favorites of the LGBTQ community, including the centurion and his boyfriend. Based in Tennessee, the author is an ordained minister in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). Independently published, 2024.

“Jesus Heals a Centurion’s Servant” by Paolo Veronese (1528-1588) (Wikimedia Commons)


Q Spirit’s Litany of Queer Saints includes this line:

“Faithful centurion, whose boyfriend was healed by Jesus at your request, pray for us!”

Links related to the gay centurion

A gay centurion comes out to Jesus (Gay Christian 101)

Jesus and the centurion (Wild Reed)

Gay centurion (My Queer Scripture)

Jesus, the centurion, and his lover (Jack Clark Robinson at Gay and Lesbian Review)

When Jesus Healed a Same-Sex Partner by Jay Michaelson (Huffington Post)

The Centurion’s Servant” painting by British artist Stanley Spencer, 1914

El centurión gay: Jesús cura al novio de un soldado romano en la Biblia (Santos Queer)

Oratio ad Christum Iris (Rainbow Christ Prayer in Latin)

Top image credits:

“The Centurion and His Servant from Matthew 8” by Tobias Haller, 2024.

“Centurion and his Pais” by Aaron Holloway. His work is online at and
This post is part of the LGBTQ Saints series by Kittredge Cherry. Traditional and alternative saints, people in the Bible, LGBTQ martyrs, authors, theologians, religious leaders, artists, deities and other figures of special interest to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender and queer (LGBTQ) people and our allies are covered.

This article has evolved and expanded greatly since the first version was posted in March 2012. It was published on Q Spirit in March 2017, was expanded over time, and was most recently updated on Dec. 2 2024.

Copyright © Kittredge Cherry. All rights reserved. presents the Jesus in Love Blog on LGBTQ spirituality.

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