Last Updated on January 11, 2024 by Kittredge Cherry

“Jesus and the LGBT Community” by David Hayward

God’s love for LGBTQ people is revealed the cartoons of David Hayward, also known as “Naked Pastor.”

The Canadian artist uses gentle humor to open hearts, minds and church doors to everybody — not only for LGBTQ people, but also for women, racial minorities, immigrants, abuse survivors and others who have been excluded.

Art of Coming Out book coverToday’s article provides a sampling of his LGBTQ-themed cartoons. A hundred of them are collected in his book “The Art of Coming Out: Cartoons for the LGBTQ Community.” They are also available as prints (and some originals) at the Nakedpastor Etsy shop.

“My LGBTQ cartoons all try to illustrate the discrimination against LGBTQ people and the struggle against the discrimination, not only in the church but in society. They also try to illustrate the good news that we are all one, already all reconciled into a body where there is no division, and that this reality should be made visible by our actions,” Hayward told

His eclectic faith journey includes a master’s degree in theology from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and 30 years of pastoral experience. He was was baptized Anglican as a baby, came to faith in a Baptist church as a teen, changed to Pentecostal and married another Pentecostal named Lisa, was ordained Presbyterian, pastored a Vineyard church, and planted independent churches. In 2006 he launched the Nakedpastor blog with daily cartoons, often based on current events.

“I’m often asked why I have the name ‘nakedpastor.’ I answer, ‘ ‘Naked’ because I’m real; ‘pastor’ because I care,’” he explains on his website

“I Think I’m Gay” by David Hayward

Jesus is happy but not surprised when a believer comes out in “I Think I’m Gay” by David Hayward.

“God and Gay Pride” by David Hayward

Jesus, God and the Holy Spirit jn the joyous crowd marching for LGBTQ Pride in “God and Gay Pride” by David Hayward.

“Not Going in There” by David Hayward

A man who disapproves of homosexuals gets a big surprise at the pearly gates of heaven in “Not Going in There” by David Hayward.

“Jesus Rides the Gay Wave” by David Hayward

Christ surfs on rainbows in “Jesus Rides the Gay Wave” by David Hayward.

“Heroes of the Faith Who Came Out” by David Hayward

Heroes of the Faith Who Came Out” include Moses who came out of Egypt, Jesus who came out of the tomb — and Pat who came out of the closet in a cartoon by David Hayward.

“Bring More People” by David Hayward

A Christian turns his back on the living Christ and his rainbow followers, unaware that they are the answer to his prayer: “Please, Lord, bring more people into your church!” in a cartoon by David Hayward.

“Gays Not Allowed and the Subversive Christ” by David Hayward

A subversive Christ steals the “not” from a church’s “Gays Not Allowed” sign in a cartoon by David Hayward.

“Rainbow Blood of Jesus” by David Hayward

The crucified Christ bleeds rainbow blood in solidarity with people persecuted for being LGBTQ in “Rainbow Blood of Jesus” by David Hayward.

LGBT Christmas by David Hayward

A star shines rainbow light over the Nativity scene in “LGBT Christmas: Merry Christmas EVERYBODY” by David Hayward.

queer black Jesus Neither by David Hayward

“Neither” by David Hayward

Hayward also is creating an ongoing fine-art series of “Images of Christ.” They include the LGBTQ dimension of Jesus through images such as “Neither.” It’s almost impossible to find a Christ figure that expresses both LGBTQ identity AND non-white racial / ethnic identity. “Neither” is one of these rare treasures.

“Neither” shows a dark-skinned Jesus who is male on one side and female on the other in the style of the Hindu deity Ardhanarishvara. He/she has a rainbow halo and holds a transgender symbol.

The title “Neither” comes from the Bible: “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” (Galatians 3:28).


Top image credit:
Arms lovingly wrapped around the rainbow tribe, Jesus prophesies to the LGBTQ community, “I’m afraid your stories aren’t going to make it into the Bible” in a cartoon by David Hayward.

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