Last Updated on July 24, 2024 by Kittredge Cherry

LGBTQ people follow unique paths to find fresh affirmation in church and the Bible with three new books this month.

The books are “Rainbow in the Word: LGBTQ Christians’ Biblical Memoirs” edited by Ellin Sterne Jimmerson, “Queer and Catholic: A Life of Contradiction” by Mark Dowd, and “Making Space for Queer-Identifying Religious Youth” by Yvette Taylor.

Rainbow in the Word: LGBTQ Christians’ Biblical Memoirs” edited by Ellin Sterne Jimmerson.

Diverse LGBTQ people reveal a Bible that affirms them in this anthology of essays, poems and reflections. Coming from places of exile and oppression, they uncover a God who cherishes them just as they are. They offer welcome new ways to think about Biblical stories, characters and theological categories. The book is arranged in chronological order based on the scriptures addressed by each contributor. Three sections cover Old Testament, memories of experiences influenced by the Bible, and New Testament. Contributors include U.S. and Canadian writers from evangelical, mainstream Protestant, Adventist and other backgrounds, including such well-known authors as Brite Divinity School theology professor Stephen Sprinkle, queer Baptist pastor Jeff Hood and queer Quaker Peterson Toscano. Jimmerson is a scholar and the first Southern Baptist minister to perform a same-sex wedding in Alabama (2015). Foreword by Viki Matson, director of field education at Vanderbilt Divinity School in Nashville, TN. Published by Wipf and Stock.
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Queer and Catholic: A Life of Contradiction” by Mark Dowd.
A funny and moving memoir is written by a gay British journalist who used to be a Dominican friar. He tells how he reconciled his faith and sexuality over a lifetime from a working-class childhood in the 1960s to the present. It is packed with witty stories such as coming out to his parents by talking in his sleep and training to become a priest before eloping from a religious order with an ex-friar. His ongoing commitment to Catholicism adds depth to his experiences. Dowd is an award-winning broadcaster and journalist specializing in religion who has worked for the BBC and made documentaries. Published by Darton, Longman and Todd.
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Making Space for Queer-Identifying Religious Youth” by Yvette Taylor.

A scholar charts the experiences, choices and identities of LGBTQ youth in inclusive churches. Sexuality and religion are seen as mutual paths that can help youth manage marginalization, discrimination and other issues. The author is education professor at the University of Strathclyde in the United Kingdom and has held posts at universities in Australia, Canada and the United States. Published by Palgrave.
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Just released

Behold, I make all things new: What do the sacred texts of Judaism, Christianity and Islam really say in regard to human sexuality? Edited by Loraine Tulleken and JP Mokgethi-Heath. Published by Global Interfaith Network.


Coming soon and available for pre-order

Nov. 1, 2017
A House of Prayer for All People: Contesting Citizenship in a Queer Church by David K. Seitz. Published by University of Minnesota Press.

Nov. 7, 2017
Sexual Disorientations: Queer Temporalities, Affects, Theologies by Kent L. Brintnall, Joseph A. Marchal and Stephen D. Moore (editors). Published by Fordham University Press.


More LGBTQ Christian books

New in Sept 2017: “Guide to Ministry with LGBTQIA Youth” and “Transfigurations: Transgressing Gender in the Bible”

New in August 2017: “Retreating Forward” and “The Straight Mind in Corinth”

New in July 2017: “Building a Bridge” and “Live Through This”

New in June 2017: “Carnal Knowledge,” “Jonathan’s Loves, David’s Laments,” “Jane Crow” and “Queer, There, and Everywhere”

New in May 2017: “Visions of Sodom” and “119: My Life as a Bisexual Christian”

New in April 2017: “Trust Truth” and “For I am Wonderfully Made”

New in Feb 2017: “Tantric Jesus,” “Bloomsbury Reader,” “Church of Whosoever” and “Queering Richard Rolle”

Top 35 LGBTQ Christian books of 2016 named

Top 25 LGBTQ Christian books of 2015 named

Top 25 LGBTQ Christian books of 2014 named

Top 22 Gay Jesus books

Basic LGBTQ Christian books: Where to start?

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