Last Updated on March 20, 2024 by Kittredge Cherry

books joined Ablaze Centurion QBC Youth

New LGBTQ Christian books are being published in 2022, including theology, Bible, history, memoir, church life and spirituality by diverse authors.

Update: A full list of the Top 35 LGBTQ Christian books of 2022 is posted now at this link:

Here are summaries of LGBTQ Christian books released so far this year, plus a list of titles that are coming soon. Hard-to-find new gifts for LGBTQ Christians and allies are included too. Unless noted, books on this list cost less than $100 — usually A LOT less. This article will be updated continuously during the year.

book Hearts Ablaze
Hearts Ablaze: Parables for the Queer Soul” by Rolf Nolasco Jr.

Looking at the parables with a queer eye releases the rainbow light in the liberating stories told by Jesus.  He used parables to point to the inexpressible reality of God — here called the “queerdom” of God. “Parables are like pride flags,” writes the author.  These insightful queer reflections on the parables — or “queerables” — will help today’s readers see the full spectrum of God’s love.  They combine stories of contemporary LGBTQ Christians with serious scholarship to push boundaries and expand understanding.  The author is a queer person of color and professor of pastoral theology at Garrett Evangelical Theological Seminary. Published by Morehouse Publishing, an imprint of Church Publishing, an official publisher of worship resources for the Episcopal Church.


Book Queer Readings of Centurion
Queer Readings of the Centurion at Capernaum: Their History and Politics” by Christopher Zeichmann.

LGBTQ interpretations of Jesus healing a soldier’s boyfriend are explored in this scholarly book.  It documents 40 years of homoerotic readings of the Bible story, but this is the first full book devoted to the subject.  The queer approach is based on translations of the Bible passage about the “pais” or young man who was “dear” to the centurion and the prevalence of homosexuality in the Roman army.  The monograph traces how homoerotic readings of the scripture have evolved since the 1950s based on sexual, political and theological trends.  It includes a helpful appendix with a chronology of homoerotic readings from 1950-89. The author teaches New Testament at the University of Toronto and Toronto Metropolitan University in Canada.  Published by SBL Press (Society of Biblical Literature).


book Queer Bible Commentary
Price warning: More than $100
The Queer Bible Commentary, Second Edition” by Mona West and Robert Shore-Goss (editors).

Massive in scope and significance, the landmark “Queer Bible Commentary” is back in a fully revised second edition with cutting-edge new chapters by international authors.  Q Spirit doesn’t usually recommend second editions or books priced over $100, but this book is so hugely important that it breaks both rules.  A star-studded cast of the world’s top queer Bible scholars contribute chapters on every single book of the Bible.  Known as QBC, the massive volume weighs in at over three pounds and nearly 900 pages.More than 30 contributors update the original 2006 edition that has long been the go-to resource for queer Biblical interpretation.  Both editors are retired Metropolitan Community Churches (MCC) clergy who taught religious studies at the university level.  Robert Shore-Goss has a doctorate in theology and comparative religion from Harvard University.  He transferred as clergy into MCC / United Church of Christ from the Roman Catholic church, where he was ordained as a Jesuit priest.  He is the author of LGBTQ classics such as “Queering Christ” and “Jesus Acted Up.”  Mona West has a doctorate in Hebrew Bible/Old Testament from Southern Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. Published by SCM Press.


Book Pastoral by Canales
Pastoral Care to and Ministry with LGBTQ Youth and Young Adults” by Arthur David Canales.

New ways for churches to support God’s queer young people are offered in a book that weaves together queer theology and successful practice: “Pastoral Care to and Ministry with LGBTQ Youth and Young Adults” by Arthur David Canales.  It critiques the Bible’s anti-LGBTQ “texts of terror” and provides liberating interpretations of scriptures on homosexuality and transgender issues from a marginalized perspective. A practical framework shows how to provide pastoral care and support serving sexual minorities.  The author describes himself as “a Hispanic, Catholic, pastoral and liberation theologian who specializes in youth and young adult ministry.”  He is associate professor of pastoral theology and ministry at Marian University in Indianapolis, Indiana. Published by Wipf and Stock


Coming soon and available for pre-order

Nov. 30, 2022
Queer Holiness: The Gift of LGBTQI People to the Church” by Charlie Bell. Published by Darton Longman and Todd.

Dec. 6, 2022
I Came Here Seeking a Person: A Vital Story of Grace; One Gay Man’s Spiritual Journey” by William D. Glenn. Published by Paulist Press.

Jan. 10, 2023
LGBTQ Catholic Ministry: Past and Present” by Jason Steidl. Foreword by James Martin. Published by Paulist Press.


Recently released

The Language of Bodies” by Suzanne DeWitt Hall. (Novel with queer Christian themes.)  Published by Woodhall Press.

Tried to Be Straight: Options for Gay Christians” by Andy Wells.  Published by Blue Tulip Publishing.  How did I miss this in 2021?!


Added in October

book Queer God de Amor
Queer God de Amor” by Miguel Diaz.
Queer theology pushes new boundaries with a Latinx lens in this controversial book that was finally released after being cancelled at the last minute in June by a Catholic press. The scholarly book illuminates the relationship between God and people by using the metaphor of sexual relationship from writings by 16th-century Spanish mystic John of the Cross. Highlighting the idea of God as lover, Diaz retrieves a preferential option for human sexuality and outs God from heteronormative closets. His hermeneutic takes seriously the lived experiences of LGBTQ+ people and builds on the “indecent theology” of Marcella Altaus-Reid. Poems by John of the Cross include “Dark Night of the Soul” and “Living Flame of Love.” The author is former US ambassador to the Vatican and holds the John Courtney Murray Chair in Public Service at Loyola University in Chicago. Published by Fordham University Press.


book called out
Called Out: 100 Devotions for LGBTQ Christians” by E. Carrington Heath.

Queer spiritual growth is supported by a devotional that takes both Christian faith and LGBTQ experiences seriously.  Growing up, coming out, relationships, family, religious trauma and more are addressed.  Each entry includes a scripture, reflection and short prayer.  Titles range from “Hated” to “The Gift of Pride” and “Compassion for the Bully.”  Q Spirit is often asked to recommend an LGBTQ daily devotional, and there are only a few choices, so this new addition is welcome.  The author pastors the Congregational Church in Exeter, New Hampshire and is only of the few openly nonbinary ministers to serve as the senior pastor of a church.  Published by Westminster John Knox Press, which is part of Presbyterian Publishing Corp.


Francis by Tony O'Connell
Francis of Assisi print: “Lord, Make Me an Instrument of Your Inclusion by Tony O’Connell

Francis of Assisi, one of the most beloved saints of all time, has a rainbow over his shoulders to affirm his queer side in a block print by Tony O’Connell. “His rainbow represents his inclusiveness, gender defiance and tolerance of all suffering beings regardless of status or even species,” O’Connell said. He holds a crucifix in one hand and a lotus in the other, balancing Christian and Buddhist spiritual traditions in his wounded hands. Christ rising from the grave parallels the Buddhist symbol of a pure lotus rising out of the mud. Meanwhile he keeps his other pair of hands folded in prayer, palms together. Limited-edition linocut prints signed by the artist are available at his Hallowed Prints shop on Etsy. The rainbow is hand-tinted on each separate print.


Added in September

book Blessed are Those who Mourn
Blessed Are Those Who Mourn: Chinese Tongzhi Catholics’ Tales” by Eros Shaw, Mark Larrimore and Michael Clifton (editors).

Experiences of Chinese LGBTQI+ Catholics are gathered in this comprehensive and wide-ranging collection. The best part for international readers is the section of “Stories” with testimonies by more than 40 “tongzhi” (Chinese for LGBTQI+) Catholics in mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and overseas. In addition, the massive 400-page volume encompasses no less than eight forewords, 10 reflections, and more. The book brings together content intended for different audiences, including Chinese Catholic priests with no knowledge of LGBTQ people. It is an English translation of a book originally published in Chinese in 2016. Some may know it as “May Your Lips Kiss Mine,” which was its working title during its seven-year journey to publication. Shaw is an LGBTQ activist in China with a master’s degree in theology. Larrimore is associate professor of religious studies at the New School, Eugene Lang College of Liberal Arts in New York. Clifton is a gay Catholic researcher in France. Published by Strategic Information and Development Centre (SRID), Malaysia.


book Religion and Intersex
Religion and Intersex: Perspectives from Science, Law, Culture and Theology” by Stephanie Budwey.

Theology provides reasons to open up the gender binary and embrace intersex people in a scholarly study that is built on interviews with German intersex Christians. The author is assistant professor of worship at Vanderbilt Divinity School in Nashville, Tennessee. Price warning: Kindle book is under $50, but print book is more than $100. Published by Routledge.


book Loving Artemis
Loving Artemis: An Endearing Tale of Revolution, Love and Marriage” by Janet Mason.

A lesbian romance novel set in the 1970s captures what it was like to come of age in the post-Stonewall but pre-AIDS era. Church and other spiritual traditions are woven into the narrative, including the goddess Artemis. The author is an award-winning creative writer and Unitarian Universalist lay minister. Q Spirit’s annual list of the top LGBTQ Christian books included her novels in in 2018 (“They”) and 2020 (“The Unicorn.”) Published by Thorned Heart Press.


Mychal Judge medal
Mychal Judge religious medal

Finally — a religious medal for Mychal Judge! Can canonization be far behind? He was chaplain to New York firefighters and unofficial “gay saint” who died helping others in the 9/11 terrorist attack on the World Trade Center. The Mychal Judge pendant comes in gold or silver with the option of a personalized message engraved on the reverse side. His smiling face is framed by the words, “Mychal Judge, pray for us.” Available from the Customize the Charms Etsy shop.


Added in August 2022

Book Indecent Theologies
New in paperback, finally affordable
The Indecent Theologies of Marcella Althaus-Reid: Voices from Asia and Latin America” by Lisa Isherwood and Hugo Córdova Quero (editors).

Queer theologian Marcella Althaus-Reid’s legacy is celebrated in this scholarly collection focusing on her impact in Asia and Latin America. Contributors discuss gender, race, and sexuality in light of the liberation, queer and indecent theologies that she espoused. Althaus-Reid (1952-2009) sparked controversy with books such as “Indecent Theology” and “The Queer God.” Born and raised in Argentina, she became the first woman appointed to a chair in the School of Divinity at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland. Isherwood is professor emerita of feminist liberation theologies at the University of Winchester, United Kingdom. Córdova Quero is associate professor of theology at Starr King School for the Ministry in Berkeley, California; dean of the faculty at the Higher Institute for Interreligious and Society Studies in Buenos Aires, Argentina; and consultant for the Santos Queer blog. Published by Routledge.


book In the Margins
In the Margins: A Transgender Man’s Journey with Scripture” by Shannon T. L. Kearns.

Biblical narrative blends with a transgender priest’s own life story in this trans reading of scripture. His experiences are woven together with Bible stories such as Jacob wrestling with the angel, Rahab and the Israelite spies, Ezekiel and the dry bones, and the transfiguration of Jesus. Raised in the fundamentalist evangelical tradition, Kearns was ordained as the first transgender priest in the North American Old Catholic Church and co-founded His book “Queers the Word: A 40-Day Devotional for LGBTQ+ Christians” is on Q Spirit’s list of the top LGBTQ Christian books of 2020. Foreword by Paula Stone Williams, pastor and LGBTQ advocate. The print book is out now, and the ebook comes out on Aug. 9. Published by Eerdmans.


book Flip It Like This
Flip It Like This” by David Hayward (nakedpastor).

God’s love for LGBTQ people and other outsiders is revealed with humorous cartoons in “Flip It Like This!” by David Hayward, also known as nakedpastor. The Canadian artist and former pastor uses hard-hitting humor to overturn harmful dogmas. His comic vision opens hearts, minds and church doors to everybody — not only LGBTQ people, but also women, racial minorities, and others who have been excluded. Q Spirit features an ongoing series of nakedpastor’s LGBTQ cartoons. His latest book includes never-before-seen cartoons as well as audience favorites. Published by Broadleaf Books.


Marinos shirt
Trans Saints Exist” shirt with Marinos the Monk by Dani.

Proclaim “Trans Saints Exist” with a stylish shirt featuring a new icon of Saint Marinos the Monk. “Trans people are beloved by God. God resides in all queer people too,” says the text. Marinos or Marina the Monk has been called a patron saint of transgender parenting. The design is as beautifully radical as the message. The shirt is created by Dani, an LGBTQ-affirming Catholic artist based in California. Assigned female at birth, Marina adopted the name Marinos and entered a monastery as a man in fifth-century Lebanon. Marinos embraced a male identity from that point onward, even after being falsely accused of fathering a child. He adopted the boy and raised him as his own son. The shirt and more icons by Dani are available at the And Her Saints shop on Etsy.


Added in July 2022

book Queer Grace
This Queer Grace: My Lesbian Journey Through Unknown Landscapes: A Spiritual Memoir” by Hilde Raastad.

A Norwegian lesbian minister tells her courageous life story in this memoir of queer faith and activism. The author broke boundaries as the first openly gay or lesbian ordained by the Norwegian Lutheran Church. Beginning with when she first fell in love with a woman, the book covers her studies in liberation and lesbian theology and the anti-LGBTQ hostility and discrimination she faced over her ordination in 1995. She grew into an outspoken international activist over 17 years of ministry and beyond to a place of deep spirituality. Published by ‎ Esuberanza, a multi-lingual publisher based in the Netherlands and specializing in LGBTQ religion books.


book Zerkowski Coming Out
Coming Out and Coming Home: A Gay Catholic Man’s Journey from Marginalization to Ministry” by Stan “JR” Zerkowski.

An LGBTQ Catholic leader looks back on his journey to face, embrace and reconcile his gay identity with his Polish Catholic roots in this memoir.  He also tells the stories of others he met along the way, and how they handled discrimination.  The author is the first executive director of the national LGBTQ Catholic organization Fortunate Families, and director of Catholic LGBT ministry for the Diocese of Lexington, Kentucky.  Foreword by John Stowe, Catholic bishop of Lexington.  Published by Butler Books.


book Into Your Hands
Into Your Hands: Essays Inspired by Mystic, Prophet, and Activist Michael Bernard Kelly” by Andrew Brown (editor).

Reflections on a queer theologian’s life and work are gathered in this memorial collection, which was created with the close involvement of Kelly’s family and friends. Michael Bernard Kelly (1954-2020) is best known as creator of the “Erotic Contemplative” lecture series, co-founder of Australia’s Rainbow Sash Movement, and author of “Seduced by Grace: Contemporary Spirituality, Gay Experience.” The anthology includes academic essays, personal and theological reflections, and tributes. Australian scholar and journalist Marcus O’Donnell writes an excellent chapter on LGBTQ saints titled “Those Called to be Saints: Queer Saintly Innovation and Belonging.” Published by Clouds of Magellan Press.


Added in June

Heavenly Homos by Jan Haen
Heavenly Homos, Etc.: Queer Icons from LGBTQ Life, Religion, and History” by Jan Haen.

Saints and heroes of the LGBTQ community come alive through bold artwork in “Heavenly Homos Etc” by Jan Haen, a Dutch artist and Roman Catholic priest in the Redemptorist order.  About 30 saints and historical figures from all over the world are presented, including popular favorites such as Sebastian, Sergius and Bacchus, Joan of Arc, David and Jonathan, Harvey Milk and Matthew Shepard. Short, accessible text lets the pictures tell their stories. The graphic book’s deceptively simple style conveys sophisticated understandings of sexual orientation and queer Biblical scholarship. Large, colorful illustrations on every page present a fresh, unsentimental view of saints and other inspiring people.  The author brings an international perspective based on his years of ministry in both the Netherlands and South Africa.  He has painted murals in schools, churches and public places all over the world too.  Haen is an active member of the Werkverband van Katholieke Homo-Pastores, an association of gay Catholic pastoral leaders.  Published by Apocryphile Press.


book Queer Gospel
Queer Gospel: An Alternative Telling Of The Bible” by Riley Alerton.

God created queer people first, and a genderqueer Messiah comes to save straight tribes from their Original Phobia in “Queer Gospel: An Alternative Telling of The Bible” by Riley Alerton. Scripture meets queer theology with touches of fantasy and Latin in this loving, creative reimagining of the Bible.  It can open minds with disruptive reversals and enchanting lines such as: “God gave Their holy command…. ‘Let there be queer folk!’” The author, a self-proclaimed “genderqueer super geek,” has made it their mission in life to “promote and defend LGBTQIA+ people who feel left behind, excluded, or attacked by traditional religious society.” Independently published.


book LGBTQ Catholics
LGBTQ Catholics: A Guide to Inclusive Ministry” by Yunuen Trujillo.

Resources for starting LGBTQ-inclusive ministries in churches all over the world are provided in “LGBTQ Catholics: A Guide to Inclusive Ministry” by Yunuen Trujillo. The book equips and inspires with practical tools such as sample mission and vision statements as well as prayers and the author’s own story as a queer Catholic. The author is an immigration attorney who has worked with the LGBTQ and Spanish ministries at the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Foreword by Jeannine Gramick, co-founder of New Ways Ministry, one of the first LGBTQ Catholic advocacy groups. Published by Paulist Press.


Added in May

book Colors of Hope
Colors of Hope: A Devotional Journal from LGBTQIA+ Christians” by Melissa Guthrie (editor).

Let the rainbow flag refresh your spirit with “Colors of Hope.” LGBTQIA+ Christians reflect on each color of the Pride flag, exploring themes of life, sexuality, healing, nature, art, harmony, sunlight and spirit in nine essays. Contributors come from a spectrum of ministries, including Black and Latinx. The devotional journal also includes an introduction, benediction and resource list. The rainbow flag glows with deeper meaning once you use it as a foundation for spiritual growth. This inspiring book shines as bright as any rainbow. The editor is an ordained minister with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and executive director of Disciples Alliance Q, their LGBTQ+ advocacy ministry. Published by Chalice Press, the official publishing house for the Disciples of Christ.


book Mychal Judge by DeBernardo
Mychal Judge: Take Me Where You Want Me to Go” by Francis DeBernardo.

A new biography explores the life, ministry and spirituality of Mychal Judge, known as the gay saint of 9/11. It looks at the impact of his gay sexual feelings and LGBTQ ministry as well as his Irish-American roots as a “Brooklyn boy,” struggles with alcoholism, and ministry with the marginalized. The many facets of his life provide context for his heroic death while serving as chaplain to firefighters at the World Trade Center during the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. The book is published by Liturgical Press, a Catholic publisher, as part of its “People of God” series, which includes Archbishop Oscar Romero, Dorothy Day, and Pope Francis.  The author is executive director of New Ways Ministry, a national LGBTQ Catholic organization.


book Water Lessons
Water Lessons” by Lisa Dordal.

Faith and LGBTQ identity flow together with family memories as a “concurrence of dark and light, like the gods I memorized as a child” in this eloquent, exquisite poetry collection.  The poet’s Christian upbringing raises almost as many questions as it answers.  Waves of grief reveal strength to survive her mother’s alcoholism and death and her father’s dementia mixed with his pride over his daughter coming out.  The author teaches in the English department at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, and holds both Master of Divinity and Master of Fine Arts degrees from Vanderbilt.  Her previous poetry collection, “Mosaic of the Dark,” was on Q Spirit’s list of the top LGBTQ Christian books of 2018 and a finalist for the Audre Lorde Award for Lesbian Poetry.  Published by Black Lawrence Press.


Added in April

book Body Becoming
Body Becoming: A Path to Our Liberation” by Robyn Henderson-Espinoza.

A non-binary transqueer Latinx theologian, activist and scholar weaves together memoir with theological reflection. The critical analysis provides fresh insights on embodiment, a core theme of Christian spirituality. The book considers which bodies count and why, the healing power of somatics, and embodiment as a vision for democracy. Based in Nashville, the author holds a PhD in religion from the University of Denver, attended Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary, and founded the Activist Theology Project. Published by Broadleaf Books.


book And So I Walked
And So I Walked: Reflections on Chance, Choice, and the Camino de Santiago” by Anne Gardner.

Her wife’s beneficial impact on her life and ministry is woven into this account of a minister’s 500-mile pilgrimage across Spain. The story of her life-changing journey includes flashbacks to the end of her first marriage and the suicide of a close friend. The spiritual memoir is especially suitable reading for the 40-day Lenten period of reflection leading to Easter because of the way it is structured. It has 40 chapters gathered in sections based on liturgical seasons, with the climax in the section titled Good Friday. The author is an Episcopal minister who leads the chaplaincy program at Harvard-Westlake, a private secondary school in Los Angeles. Published by Adelaide Books.


Added in March

book Queering American Dream
Queering the American Dream” by Angela Yarber.

Queer women of spirit inspire an ex-pastor’s 18-month road trip across America with her wife and toddler in a book that mixes memoir with history. She left her church job to roam the country in a camper as her brother’s addiction spiraled into a deadly overdose, in a journey not unlike the hit film “Nomadland.” The “faithless” clergywoman rediscovers grace through the lives of 16 revolutionary women from religion, myth and history, including lesbian, queer, bisexual, and non-binary figures such as Pauli Murray, Gloria Anzaldua, Guanyin, Lilith, Audre Lorde and Frida Kahlo. After years as a Baptist pastor, the author teaches about revolutionary women through art, courses, retreats and writing as executive director of Tehom Center. Published by Parson’s Porch Books.


Added in February

Book LGBTQ suicide
New in paperback, finally affordable
Christianity, LGBTQ Suicide, and the Souls of Queer Folk” by Cody Sanders.

Religion’s role in the high suicide rate of LGBTQ people is explored with an interdisciplinary approach.  The book includes interviews and methods for queer souls to resist soul violence.  The author is American Baptist chaplain to Harvard University, advisor for LGBTQ+ religious affairs at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and pastor to Old Cambridge Baptist Church in Cambridge.  Published by Lexington Books, an imprint of Rowman and Littlefield.


book Christepona
Tears of Christepona: Mystical Musings on Grief, Evil, and Godding” by Carter Heyward.

Pioneering lesbian priest Carter Heyward uses theological intuition to move deftly between the personal, political and spiritual realms. Her passion for justice-love extends to animals and nature in this collection of essays.  It includes a chapter on “Nonbinary Gender and Sexuality.”  The author is theology professor emerita at the Episcopal Divinity School in Cambridge, Massachusetts.  She was one of the “Philadelphia Eleven,” whose irregular ordination in 1974 pushed the Episcopal Church to recognize women as priests.  Published by Resource Publications, a division of Wipf and Stock.

Child of God Pride t-shirt

Child of God Pride T-shirt

A rainbow arches over the phrase “Child of God” to gracefully affirm LGBTQ spiritual identity in a new T-shirt design.  The back declares, “Love wins.  Love saves.”  The shirt is also available with rainbows in the colors of transgender pride, bi pride or gender-queer pride from the Lincpoetry shop on Etsy.


More LGBTQ Christian books released in 2022

Intersexion: A Story of Faith, Identity, and Authenticity” by Cynthia Vacca Davis.  Published by Lake Drive Books.

For Love Of God” by Robin Reardon (novel about a gay Episcopal priest).  Independently published.

In Search of a Higher Power” by Ciaran Shadow. Independently published.

A Knot in the Tree,” a novel by Nathan Aaron.  Published by BookBaby.

The Lesbiana’s Guide to Catholic School,” a novel by Sonora Reyes.  Published by Balzer + Bray.

BJU and Me: Queer Voices from the World’s Most Christian University” by Lance Weldy (editor).  Published by University of Georgia Press.

A Home for All: A Catholic Call for LGBTQ Non-Discrimination” by Francis DeBernardo and Robert Shine. Published by New Ways Ministry.

Made Man” by Jendi Reiter (poetry). Published by Little Red Tree Publishing.

We Are Not Saints: The Acolyte,” a novel by H. Les Brown. Published by Gibson-Brown Media.

Verdant” by Jeffery Beam (poetry). Published by Kin Press.

The Antiphonal Animal: An Orthodox Defense of Same-Sex Love” by Isaac Nineuites. Independently published.


Related links

2023 brings new LGBTQ Christian books and gifts

Top 28 LGBTQ Christian books of 2021 named

Top 30 LGBTQ Christian books of 2020 named

Top 23 LGBTQ Christian books of 2019 named

Top 30 LGBTQ Christian books of 2018 named

Top 25 LGBTQ Christian books of 2017 named

Top 35 LGBTQ Christian books of 2016 named

Top 25 LGBTQ Christian books of 2015 named

Top 25 LGBTQ Christian books of 2014 named

Top 22 Gay Jesus books

Basic LGBTQ Christian books: Where to start?

LGBTQ Religion and Spirituality: A Selective Bibliography 2021-2022 (American Library Association, Rainbow Round Table)

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Copyright © Kittredge Cherry. All rights reserved. presents the Jesus in Love Blog on LGBTQ spirituality.

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