Last Updated on February 9, 2025 by Kittredge Cherry

Rainbow LGBTQ Christian books

Updated Nov. 8, 2019 — New LGBTQ Christian books are being published in 2019 — including theology, Bible, history, memoir, church life and guides to Christian living by diverse authors.

Here are summaries of LGBTQ Christian books released so far this year, plus a list of titles that are coming soon. Hard-to-find new gifts for LGBTQ Christians and allies are included too. This article will be updated continuously as the year progresses.

Update: A newer, expanded version of this article is available by clicking: Top 23 LGBTQ Christian books of 2019 named.  And check out 2020 brings new LGBTQ Christian books.

Queer Theologies: The Basics” by Chris Greenough.

An intelligent, accessible overview is provided. Chapters cover the development of queer theologies, queering “traditional” theology, queer theologies in global contexts, queer Bible, and queer theologies from queer lives. The glossary and suggestions for further reading and online resources will enhance understanding. The wide-ranging book aims to reach general readers as well as students, academics, clergy and church congregants. The author is senior lecturer in theology and religion at Edge Hill University in Lancashire, England. Published by Routledge.

Understanding Transgender Identities: Four Views” by James K. Beilby and Paul Rhodes Eddy (editors).

Thoughtful religious dialogue on transgender identities is presented from across the Christian theological spectrum. After an introductory chapter, four differing views are presented by Justin Sabia-Tanis, Megan K. DeFranza, Owen Strachan, and Mark A. Yarhouse /Julia Sadusky. Sabia-Tanis is a queer theologian and author of the recently re-issued classic, “Trans-Gender: Theology, Ministry, and Communities of Faith.” The authors then respond to each other in a respectful manner on issues such as God’s holy creation of gender diversity and its moral-theological implications. The editors are theology professors at Marquette University. Published by Baker Academic.

Pastors Husband mug

Pastor’s Husband Mug

A fun new mug says, “Pastor’s Husband,” adding on other side, “I would suggest you not look so surprised.” It was designed for women ministers and their husbands, but it’s perfect for the gay or queer clergy spouse!

Coming soon and available for pre-order

Dec. 8
Acts of Forgiveness: Faith Journeys of a Gay Priest” by Ted Karpf. Foreword by Ray L. Hart. Published by Toplight..

Dec. 13
Conditionally Accepted: Christians’ Perspectives on Sexuality and Gay and Lesbian Civil Rights” by Baker A. Rogers. Published by Rutgers University Press.

Sept. 15, 2020
The Shape of Sex: Nonbinary Gender from Genesis to the Renaissance” by Leah DeVun. Published by Columbia University Press.

Added in October 2019

Activist Theology” by Robyn Henderson-Espinoza.

Queer intersectional theology brings together church, academy and justice movements in this liberating book. Sources, methods and goals of activist theology are made clear by personal stories from the author, “a queer-identified person who came to understand myself as a non-binary transgender person who is also a mixed-race Latinx.” This rich, interdisciplinary book also features philosophy, critical class theory, and poetry by womanist organizer Brittini “Ree Belle” Gray. Foreword by Nancy Elizabeth Bedford, theology professor at Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary. Henderson-Espinoza is a theologian and ethicist based in Nashville. Published by Augsburg Fortress Press, publisher for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA).

God’s Beloved Queer: Identity, Spirituality, and Practice” by Rolf Nolasco.
Building an identity as a queer person who is loved by God is the theme of this interdisciplinary work. A “hermeneutics of retrieval” offers a queer reading of key theological concepts. It also draws from psychology, spirituality, anthropology and brain studies. Psycho-spiritual practices are included. Nolasco is professor of pastoral theology at Garrett Evangelical Theological Seminary, which is affiliated with the United Methodist Church. Foreword by Ken Wilson, co-founder of Ann Arbor Blue Ocean Church. Published by Wipf and Stock.

Mychal Judge by Katy Miles-Wallace

Mychal Judge icon by Katy Miles-Wallace

Father Mychal Judge, the gay saint of 9/11, has a rainbow halo in an icon created by queer Lutheran artist and seminarian Katy Miles-Wallace as part of her “Queer Saints” series. Judge, chaplain to New York firefighters, died helping others in the attack on the World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001. Miles-Wallace shows him dressed in a Franciscan robe with the jacket of a fire fighter over one shoulder.

Added in Sept. 2019

OtherWise Christian: A Guidebook for Transgender Liberation” by Mx. Chris Paige.

A comprehensive look at gender-nonconforming people in the Bible is provided in this new guide. Scholarly yet accessible, the book synthesizes 25 years of transgender-affirming biblical scholarship. Sections cover creation, clobber passages, eunuchs, and Jewish and Christian traditions, with an epilogue on “Living OtherWise Ever After.” The author co-founded TransFaith and published “The Other Side” magazine. Published by Otherwise Engaged.

Bayard and Martin: A Historical Novel About Friendship and the Civil Rights Movement” by Frederick Williams, Lane Denton, and Sterling Zinsmeyer.

Would Martin Luther King consider the LGBTQ movement a civil rights issue? The answer is a resounding yes in this new historical novel. It is written in the first-person voice of Rustin by a trio of authors: Frederick Williams, Texas legislator Lane Denton, and AIDS activist Sterling Zinsmeyer. Williams is a prolific author who helped establish the African American studies department at the University of Texas at San Antonio. Published by Jaed Publications.

Rainbow Cross lapel pin

Show your faith and your pride with this rainbow enamel cross lapel pin. It’s 3/4 inches tall. A real bargain at $6 on Amazon as of Sept. 2.

Added in July 2019

Holy Love: A Biblical Theology for Human Sexuality” by Steve Harper.

Bible-based affirmation of covenanted love between couples of all sexual orientations is provided in the new book “Holy Love: A Biblical Theology for Human Sexuality” by Steve Harper. Considering all sides, he clearly lays out how his biblical theology, hermeneutics and ministry experience lead to the conclusion that same-sex couples must be allowed to marry in the church. The slim, accessible volume is intended for church leaders, small groups, and interested readers. Now retired as professor of Asbury Theological Seminary, the author has become a significant ally for LGBTQ Methodists. Published by Abingdon Press, an imprint of the United Methodist Church Publishing House.

Embracing Disruptive Coherence: Coming Out as Erotic Ethical Practice” by Kathleen T. Talvacchia.

A queer theological understanding is initiated by the new book “Embracing Disruptive Coherence: Coming Out as Erotic Ethical Practice” by Kathleen T. Talvacchia. A scholar shows how coming out can be understood as erotic truth telling more than a declaration of an LGBTQ identity. The author chaired the Status of LGBTIQ Persons in the Profession committee of the American Academy of Religion. Published by Cascade Books, an imprint of Wipf and Stock.

Jesus Loves Everyone” rainbow T-shirt.

A rainbow Jesus welcomes LGBTQ people with open arms and the message “Jesus loves everyone” on this fabulous T-shirt. It’s a fun way for Christians to proudly display support for LGBTQ people.

Added in June 2019

The Gospel of Inclusion: A Christian Case for LGBT+ Inclusion in the Church” by Brandan J. Robertson.

A comprehensive framework for radical embrace of LGBT+ people in the church is provided in the new book “The Gospel of Inclusion: A Christian Case for LGBT+ Inclusion in the Church” by Brandan J. Robertson. Biblical analysis, theological reflection and cultural evidence show that the Christian gospel calls for celebrating the full spectrum of human sexuality and gender. Foreword by David Gushee. An LGBTQ+ person raised in conservative evangelical contexts, the author is pastor of Missiongathering Christian Church in San Diego. His book “True Inclusion” was one on Q Spirit’s list of the top LGBTQ Christian books of 2018. Published by Cascade Books, an imprint of Wipf and Stock.

A Rabbi and a Preacher Go to a Pride Parade: And Other Musings, Sermons, and Such” by Bert Montgomery.
LGBTQ-affirming religious humor combines with holy scripture to challenge the heresy of homophobia in the new book “A Rabbi and a Preacher Go to a Pride Parade: and Other Musings, Sermons, and Such” by Bert Montgomery. The author is a Baptist pastor in Starkville, Mississippi. And yes, he and a rabbi really did go to the town’s first-ever Pride parade. Published by Smyth and Helwys.

Bobbi and Soul” by J.B. Marsden.

A feisty clergywoman’s love for a woman doctor faces obstacles in the new lesbian romance novel “Bobbi and Soul” by JB Marsden Author. The rural Colorado doctor is drawn to the Episcopal priest after she meddles with treatment of patients. A few parishioners at the church that she pastors want to impose a celibacy requirement, but this novel celebrates erotic and spiritual love between women. The author took up writing after her retirement as an Episcopal priest and health systems faculty member. Published by Sapphire Books.

Added in May 2019

Bodies on the Verge: Queering Pauline Epistles” by Joseph A. Marchal (editor).

Queer new options for how to interpret Paul’s letters in sexuality debates are provided in “Bodies on the Verge: Queering Pauline Epistles.” Key reflections cover two “clobber passages” that have been used to condemn homosexuality (Rom 1:26-27 and 1 Cor 6:9) and demonstrate the relevance of texts throughout the Paul’s writing. Fresh interpretations arise from queer understanding the context of these passages based on history, theology, empire, gender, race, and ethnicity, Editor Joseph A. Marchal is associate professor of religion (and affiliate faculty in women’s and gender studies) at Ball State University. Published by SBL Press.

Gentleman Jack: The Real Anne Lister” by Anne Choma.

A British lesbian landowner’s life and pioneering 1834 same-sex wedding are revealed in the new book “Gentleman Jack: The Real Anne Lister” by Anne Choma. It ties in with the BBC-TV series now on HBO. “As a Christian, whose own same-sex desires she believed to be the dictate of God, Anne craved the permanency, and, ironically, respectability, of a romantic union solemnized in the same way as a marriage. She saw no reason that she and the woman she loved should not declare their commitment before God,” says the book. It includes newly decoded entries from Lister’s secret diaries and concludes with a section called “Finale: Standing Before God.” The author was historical adviser to the BBC television series. Published by Penguin Random House. Bargain alert: paperback is $11.

Added in April 2019

One Coin Found: How God’s Love Stretches to the Margins” by Emmy Kegler.

A queer pastor wrestles with scripture and finds that God welcomes everyone. She knows the Bible can be used to exclude because she grew up in both progressive Protestant and conservative evangelical churches, but scripture continues to inspire her. Includes a bibliography with suggested books for further reading. Foreword by Rachel Held Evans. The author is a Lutheran pastor in Minneapolis and editor of Queer Grace online encyclopedia. Published by Fortress Press, the official publisher for the Lutheran Church.

Unashamed: A Coming-Out Guide for LGBTQ Christians” by Amber Cantorna.

When LGBTQ Christians come out, they face unique challenges that are addressed in this helpful guide. It tackles tough subjects such as demolishing internalized homophobia/transphobia, finding an affirming faith community, reconnecting with your worth as a child of God, navigating difficult family conversations (especially where family members are church leaders), and coping with the “I love you BUT” attitude of faith-based conditional love. “Unashamed” encourages LGBTQ Christians to celebrate the diversity of God’s creation, including their own sexual orientation and gender identity. The authorwrites from her experience as the lesbian daughter of an executive in the conservative Christian group Focus on the Family. Her book “Refocusing My Family: Coming Out, Being Cast Out, and Discovering the True Love of God” was on Q Spirit’s list of the top LGBTQ Christian books of 2017. Published by Westminster John Knox Press.

Saints Perpetua and Felicity charm bracelet

Same-sex paired saints Perpetua and Felicity appear together on this bangle bracelet with multiple charms. You can add another saint of your choice and choose other options for the expandable stainless steel wire bangle bracelet. Some believe Perpetua and Felicity are lesbian or queer saints or patrons of same-sex couples. Saints Perpetua and Felicity were North African woman friends who were executed for their Christian faith in the third century.  They are named together in the Roman Catholic Canon of the Mass.

Added in March 2019

Dying to Be Normal: Gay Martyrs and the Transformation of American Sexual Politics” by Brett Krutzsch.

Religion’s role in memorializing prominent LGBTQ people such as Harvey Milk and Matthew Shepard is examined by a scholar. He finds that activists applied religious language and imagery to gay martyrs in order to win acceptance and encourage assimilation of LGBTQ people. Many activists tended to mythologize them as model LGBTQ citizens: white, male, gender-normative, monogamous and Christian — thereby excluding others. Some used memorialization to celebrate queer, genderbending values that offended Christian conservatives. The author is visiting assistant professor of religion at Haverford College in Pennsylvania. Published by Oxford University Press.

BARGAIN ALERT: Paperback price below $8
Love That Dares To Speak: A Five-Session Group Study Course Exploring Christian Reactions to Homosexuality” by Hilary Brand.

Churches can discuss disagreements about homosexuality in a compassionate way by using this small-group discussion guide. Based on a course created by and for the author’s own church, it encourages people to share views and experiences, find out what the Bible really says about being gay and lesbian, re-evaluate marriage and celibacy, and create a welcoming church. The author is a British writer known for a popular series of Lenten courses with a similar format. Published by Darton Longman and Todd.

In the Closet of the Vatican: Power, Homosexuality, Hypocrisy” by Frederic Martel.

Homophobia and hypocrisy in the Roman Catholic Church are exposed in this major new investigative report. It uncovers the homosexual double lives of many priests at the Vatican, “one of the biggest gay communities in the world.” The more rigidly moralistic and anti-gay a priest is in public, the more likely it is that he is actively engaging in secret homosexual relationships. A French journalist reveals that “the best-kept secret of the Vatican is no secret to Pope Francis,” and quotes the Pope as saying, “Behind rigidity there is always something hidden, in many cases a double life.” This corrupt system provides a key to understanding Catholic sexual abuse, condemnation of contraceptives and many other positions. The author is a French journalist at National Public Radio who did a four-year investigation, including 1,500 interviews with cardinals, bishops and others. Published simultaneously in 8 languages, including Spanish. English version published by Bloomsbury.

We Love You, But You’re Going to Hell: Christians and Homosexuality Agree, Disagree, Take a Look” by Kim O’Reilly.

Conflicts of Christian faith and homosexuality are addressed in a new book whose title sums up what LGBTQ people hear too often: “We Love You, But You’re Going to Hell.” A lesbian Christian author finds that heaven is open to all. Her chapters cover the author’s story, scriptures, stereotypes, marriage, religious freedom, and new directions for families, churches and society. Daughter of an evangelical minister, the author is principal consultant at Intercultural Solutions in Denver. Published by Elm Hill.

Added in Feb 2019

Modern Kinship: A Queer Guide to Christian Marriage” by David and Constantino Khalaf.

LGBTQ Christians can find dating and relationship advice in this guide tailored to their needs. The authors are a married gay couple based on Portland, Oregon.i They use the Biblical concept of kinship as a basis for personal reflections, commentary and interviews with a wide variety of LGBTQ people. They struggled to find role models and guidance for their own dating and marriage, so they began the blog that grew into this book for queer people seeking lifelong, God-centered relationships. It makes a great wedding gift.  Foreword by Rachel Held Evans. Published by Westminster John Knox Press, official publisher for the Presbyterian Church.

Saint Sebastian porcelain oval pendant

A porcelain pendant shows Saint Sebastian, an LGBTQ favorite who is considered the patron saint of gay men. His starkly simplified semi-nude figure looks like a German expressionist woodcut. The oval pendant measures 1.5 inches and comes with braided cord in velvet-lined gift box.

Related links

Top 23 LGBTQ Christian books of 2023 named

Top 35 LGBTQ Christian books of 2022 named

Top 28 LGBTQ Christian books of 2021 named

Top 30 LGBTQ Christian books of 2020 named

Top 23 LGBTQ Christian books of 2019 named

Top 30 LGBTQ Christian books of 2018 named

Top 25 LGBTQ Christian books of 2017 named

Top 35 LGBTQ Christian books of 2016 named

Top 25 LGBTQ Christian books of 2015 named

Top 25 LGBTQ Christian books of 2014 named

Top 22 Gay Jesus books

Basic LGBTQ Christian books: Where to start?

Copyright © Kittredge Cherry. All rights reserved. presents the Jesus in Love Blog on LGBTQ spirituality.

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