by Kittredge Cherry | | Calendar
The Rainbow Christ Prayer is presented in the African language of Dholuo to support the people and cultures of Africa, especially Kenya and Tanzania where it is commonly spoken. By offering “Kristo Lihundu, Alam,” Q Spirit aims to foster respectful cross-cultural,...
by Kittredge Cherry | | Saints, Sept 1-15
Rainbow icons of Mary highlight her compassionate connection to the LGBTQ community — evoking both controversy and celebration. Various rainbow Mary images by contemporary artists and activists are posted today at Q Spirit in honor of her birthday, which is...
by Kittredge Cherry | | Calendar
A Hindi version of the Rainbow Christ Prayer is presented by Q Spirit to highlight and support the people of India and their cultures. By offering “इंद्रधनुष मसीह को प्रार्थना,” Q Spirit aims to foster awareness in hope of respectful cross-cultural, interfaith healing...
by Kittredge Cherry | | Calendar
A Lakota version of the Rainbow Christ Prayer is presented by Q Spirit to highlight and support Native American people and cultures, especially the “two-spirit” people who combine masculine and feminine. “I worked with Lakota people to translate the Rainbow Christ...
by Kittredge Cherry | | Calendar, June 1-15
Available in 29 languages, the Rainbow Christ Prayer matches the colors of the LGBTQ Pride flag with the many faces of the queer Christ. Here the prayer is presented in the original English, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, Dholuo, Estonian, French, German, Hebrew,...
by Kittredge Cherry | | Calendar, Featured, June 1-15, Resources
Colors of the LGBTQ rainbow flag reveal the many faces of the queer Christ in the following Rainbow Christ Prayer by lesbian Christian author Kittredge Cherry and gay theologian Patrick S. Cheng. The Rainbow Christ Prayer honors the spiritual values of the LGBTQ...
by Kittredge Cherry | | Calendar
Colors of the rainbow flag reveal the many faces of the queer Christ in the following Rainbow Christ Prayer by lesbian Christian author Kittredge Cherry and gay theologian Patrick S. Cheng. 무지개 깃발의 색상은 레즈비언 크리스천 작가인 Kittredge Cherry (키트리지 체리)와 게이 신학자인 Patrick S. Cheng...
by Kittredge Cherry | | Calendar
Tęczowy Chryste, ucieleśniasz wszystkie barwy świata. Tęcze łączą różne wymiary rzeczywistości: niebo i ziemię, wschód i zachód, to, co queer, i to, co nie queer. Przypominaj nam o wartościach wyrażanych przez tęczową flagę społeczności lesbijek, gejów,...
by Kittredge Cherry | | Calendar
Historical queer code language meets LGBTQ Christianity in the new Polari translation of the Rainbow Christ Prayer. It has lines such as “Rainbow Crystal, you sparkle up the world” and “Blue is for self-expression, the cackling fakement of fairy. Liberator Crystal…...
by Kittredge Cherry | | Calendar
Радужный Христос, Ты объединяешь все краски мира. Радуги служат мостами между различными сферами: небом и землей, востоком и западом, квиром и не-квиром. Вдохновляй нас помнить ценности, выраженные в радужном флаге лесбиянок, геев, бисексуалов, трансгендеров и...